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2023-2 GC Zone Opening Party에 오세요~

등록일 : 2023-09-15 조회수 : 80 작성자 : 관리자

안녕하세요. 영산대학교 재학생 여러분^^

우리학교 GC Zone(Global Challenge Zone)에서는 학교 구성원들에게 맞는 다양한 맞춤식 영어 교육을 제공하고자
2023학년도 2학기 GC Zone이 Opening을 알려드립니다.

양산캠퍼스에서는 9월 19일 화요일 12시 30분, 코스모스관 1층 GC Zone

해운대캠퍼스에서는 9월 14일 목요일 12시 30분, B동 2층 GC Zone 에서 

Opening party를 개최합니다.

GC-Zone의 문은 영산인 모두에게 열려 있습니다.

외국인 선생님들께서 맛있는 피자와 재미있는 영어로 여러분을 맞이하시고 GC Zone 및 각종 영어 학습프로그램
(교수 영어학습 지원 & 재학생들의 1:1 Clinic, Study Group, etc) 등을 안내해 드릴 것입니다.

더 궁금하신 내용은 지금 055-380-9604, 051-540-7387, 7373 로 전화 주십시오.

친절한 외국인 선생님들께서 “Hello~ GC Zone, How may I help you~?” 하십니다.

Have you ever asked yourself why we have the GC-Zone?

Have You ever wondered, "What is the Youngsan University GC-Zone?"

The GC Zone is designed to promote a student-friendly educational

atmosphere conducive to learning English easily enjoyably.

Students who possess determination diligence in studying at the GC zone

will be given a certificate at the end of the semester.

Well then this is for You!

Stop paying expensive academy fees to learn English!

We offer flexible times all week long with caring qualified teachers.

Do You Know What To Do?

It’s so easy! Just come inside sign up with your friends classmates

Yangsan Campus, September 19 Tue 12:30, Cosmos-Gwan 1st floor, GC Zone

Haeundae Campus, September 14 Thu 12:30, B-bldg 2nd floor, GC Zone

Join a group with one of our many native speakers improve your

English more more every semester!

For More Information come see Teachers Arlene in building A,

Teacher Arlene Blessy in Haeundae Campus Teacher Olia in Yangsan Campus!

So what are you waiting for? Hurry up meet the GC-Zone Teachers.


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