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It is time to Seize the World!


필리핀 첫번째 essay

등록일 : 2013-04-18 조회수 : 488 작성자 : 김용운
파일첨부 : FileAttach DSC04663.JPG ( 5 MB / Download: 279)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>About love.


Actually, we can’t understand the subject means, roughly we worte our’s thinking about love. even if it doesn’t fit with the theme, please understand. we define love, unanswered love, love for my parents, first love, and self-love.
First. unanswered love, it is kind of love that alone, depending on person who can feel painful or happy. simpson, belong to our group, think. no matter what she does always think about her, all my neurons go towards her, and I want to know everything about her. he was defined this.
Second, Parents love is very important. Thanks love always grateful. Rudolph thought. Parents' love is precious because I, too, love my parents should be. Parents do not want any price. Also shows that all children Your word on endlessly delighted. If you ask the reason why I need to succeed, because it's my parents.
3rd, First love. Tay Appliance is currently dating. He is always happy and can not wait. Always next to the
girlfriend, because Thank you made ​​her feel these emotions.
4th, Jin said. There are lots of different types of love. The most important of these 'self-esteem'. We all have 'self-esteem', but ask yourself, express accustomed. Others can not be in love with someone you do not know how to love yourself. If you love yourself a little more we will be more loved ones around us.
We talked about love until now. of course there is many kind of love in world, what is the most important love to you?
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