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세계로 뻗어 나가는 글로벌 리더의 첫걸음

It is time to Seize the World!


에세이 3

등록일 : 2013-05-08 조회수 : 277 작성자 : 신성만
파일첨부 : FileAttach 581858_352837314822993_215300077_n.jpg ( 7 KB / Download: 229)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>One day, He met Her, at the station.
He fell in love with her for the first time but he missed her, because suddenly she left the subway, he’s looking for her at that time he found her across his office. she’s having a meeting. so he went out for meet her. but he couldn’t he was dispointe, because failed to find her. so he goes back to his office but he accidenty meets her. and they fell in love.
수정  삭제  목록
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