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It is time to Seize the World!


Philippines semester essay - 2 (사진추가 수정본)

등록일 : 2013-10-18 조회수 : 698 작성자 : 성효영
파일첨부 : FileAttach IMG_20131016_1.JPG ( 206 KB / Download: 241)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>Time is an arrow

It has already been 2 months since i came here. I have spend fun time woth friends and TEC teachers. And i also made a special relationship. I think i adapted here compeletely.
Here have so many fun things. Among those i like is harbor point. That is a huge shopping mall. Especially, i like a pump. It is kind of rhythm game. I go to harbor point every weeks and practice that. Actually, i'm not good at it. But i really enjoy doing it. Last week, we palnned go to Grande island. But unfortunately, a typhoon was coming. So we canceled it. I was really looking forward that. We were so sad. So i changed my plan. I just walked around in Ologapo with Lucky. We met a group who practice dance. They practice so hard. We took a picture with them and bought some bottle of drink.
Surely, i can't forget a delicious food. I'd like to recommend a restaurant which sells westurn food. The name is 'Expresso.' It is well known for extremely sized pizza. It is very big and delicious. Also, you can choose half and half of kind of pizza. But if you go there alone, you can't eat most of them.
The big holidays are coming soon. The other people have planned go to Boracay. But i planned go to Batangas city to meet my friends. I'm so looking forward to it. I think that day will be a terrible treffic jam. But i'm going there. Because my friends are waiting me Haha.
수정  삭제  목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
461 필리핀 현지 학기제 에세이3  김세희 13-11-08 292
460 필리핀 현지 학기제 에세이3  박선주 13-11-08 591
459 2013-2학기 필리핀 학기제 ESSAY-3  문정아 13-11-08 390
458 필리핀 학기제 에세이 세번째  배수현 13-11-07 587
457 2013-2 필리핀 학기제 ESSAY - 3  양귀동 13-11-07 504
456 필리핀2학기 학기제 -3  한예슬 13-11-07 320
455 2013-2학기 필리핀학기제 에세이 2  이영택 13-10-22 602
454 에세이 no.2  민인식 13-10-21 354
Philippines semester essay - 2 (사진추가   성효영 13-10-18 699
452 2013- 2 필리핀학기제 에세이2  류수현 13-10-18 591
451 Philippines semester essay - 2  성효영 13-10-18 295
450 학기제 에세이2  이혜림 13-10-18 334
449 필리핀 현지학기제 에세이 2  송세훈 13-10-18 309
448 2013-2 필리핀학기제 에세이-2  배수현 13-10-18 294
447 2013-2 필리핀학기제 에세이 -2  한예슬 13-10-18 316
446 필리핀 현지학기제 에세이 2  이승은 13-10-18 348
445 필리핀 현지학기제 2 에세이  김세희 13-10-18 322
444 2학기 필리핀현지 학기제 에세이2  박선주 13-10-18 312
443 필리핀 현지학기제 에세이2  유지언 13-10-18 322
442 2013-2 필리핀 학기제 ESSAY - 2  김보민 13-10-18 304