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It is time to Seize the World!


2014-1 필리핀 학기제

등록일 : 2014-03-26 조회수 : 295 작성자 : 이승연
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>My roommate SCARLET

Her korea name is Jeon Hye In. Her english name is Scarlet. Scarlet is my roommate. Her major is English. we have same major. so I introduce her.

Her family is a father, mother and old sister. Her father is 49 year old. His job go to company. Her mother is 51 year old. Her job is house wife. Old sister is 23 year old. Old sister is student. Her major is low in Baejae Universty. it has in Daejeon. Her hobby is rap, hiphop. she only listens in rap. Sometime sing rap, but listen more than sing, she likes. she lives in ULSAN. It is near by Pusan. Ulsan is famous for whale and rose festival. If I go to whale festival, I can eat whales. And Rose festival only open in April.

I do not know her very well. I would like closed her this time.
수정  삭제  목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
481 2014-1 필리핀 학기제  이환비 14-03-27 647
480 2014-1 필리핀 학기제  이은영 14-03-27 313
479 2014-1 필리핀 학기제  김소현 14-03-27 336
478 2014-1 필리핀 학기제  이호준 14-03-26 619
2014-1 필리핀 학기제  이승연 14-03-26 296
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