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It is time to Seize the World!


USLS 2학기 어학연수 에세이 3

등록일 : 2015-11-19 조회수 : 362 작성자 : 박예린
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>Is it fun to love ?

aishiteru, Je t'aime, Ti amo, mahal kita, saranhae, I love you. These are expressions of love. Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Lyn from Youngsan University. Today I’m going to share my opinion about a topic “Is it fun to love?” Of course it is!

At first, Being in love makes your heart full of positive emotions. Love always give us hope and dream. Everybody wish to please someone who they love. This feeling for someone works on element that bring us enjoyment. Their happy face and smile make us happy. It’s proof that many selfish egoist have a difficulty to find pleasure(enjoyment) of their own life.
Second, love makes us experience things that we never try. It brings us new world. Being with someone you love, can make you learn another way to see, to think and to live. Your perspective to see world also could be changed. After all, Love would make yourself change as a new person.

Living for myself would make me happy. But Living for other people would make at least two people happy. That’s why it is fun to love and be loved by someone.
Stay in love everyone! Thank you for listening.
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