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It is time to Seize the World!


CSA 1학기 어학연수3

등록일 : 2017-05-15 조회수 : 258 작성자 : 고현정
파일첨부 : FileAttach IMG_0331.JPG ( 623 KB / Download: 216)
When i arrived in the philippines, I felt that this country is good to live for.
Before i come here, I think that it's too hard to live in the philippens.
But now my mind changed. I think many filipinos are kind and they like singing a song and to hang out. So i envy them. Because i think they seemed to be happy and free. This culture is really good. And i learned a lot of filipino's culture.
When i live in the philippines, my feeling is good. So i want to live in another country. It will be a special experience and memorable time for me.
I went to Boracay island, and it's really an awesone place visited.
I also went to Cebu for my scubar diving license. It was tough but when i get down under wather it was really amazing. Because i can breath in under water, i saw a lot of fishes and corals.
I will never forget those wonderful experiences I have in the philippens.
Finally my stay in the philippens will end soon. So, i feel sad. Because im going to miss all my teachers, my new friends and most specialy my philippines life. I'm so glad to all the experiences as a student in this country. Im also galdful to know other people nationality. So, Philippines is my second home
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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
621 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 에쎄이 3  이철희 17-05-17 329
620 CSA 1학기 어학연수 에쎄이3  김은빈 17-05-16 305
CSA 1학기 어학연수3  고현정 17-05-15 259
618 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 에쎄이 3  윤태후 17-05-15 248
617 CSA 1학기 어학연수 에쎄이2  이철희 17-04-29 261
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615 CSA 1학기 어학연수 에쎄이2  김은빈 17-04-28 193
614 CSA 1학기 어학연수 에세이 2  고현정 17-04-27 211
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611 CSA 어학연수 1학기 에세이1  고현정 17-04-19 194
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