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세계로 뻗어 나가는 글로벌 리더의 첫걸음

It is time to Seize the World!


CSA 필리핀 어학연수 2학기 에세이

등록일 : 2017-10-23 조회수 : 210 작성자 : 장현아
The importance of English in my life

Nowadays most people are studying English. What do you think about English? I think English is settled in our life already. There are three reasons about my opinion regarding the importance of English.

First, now we are living in global century. That means we have a lot of chances to communicate with foreigners. And also many workers are working in other countries. That’s why we have to learn an official language which is English. And many people are enjoying their travel to other countries as well. This time also we should communicate with people from other countries. So, English is an important part of communication.

Second, English is important for education. You know children’s mind is really fresh and sensitive in learning. Also if they learn English as much as possible, they will have a lot of opportunities because in Korea, there are so many schools that think English is important. Even though, in university they are looking for students who are good at English. Our country values the importance of education, that’s why English is important.

Third, English is important in employment, because many companies want to expand their business globally. So when they hire someone they want a good speaker of English. Also in my case, my dream is to be a flight attendant. This job really requires English ability because in an airline there are so many foreign passengers. So we should improve English skills.

In conclusion, English is important to our life for three reasons. First, we can have a lot of chances to communicate with foreigners. Second, in education, English is really important because they should know many things in school and for their dreams. Third, English is vital in getting a good job. For these reason, I believe English is my life.
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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
641 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 에세이 3  김상경 17-11-20 205
640 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 에세이 3  김은혜 17-11-20 233
639 CSA 필리핀 2학기 어학연수 에세이2  전민준 17-11-03 217
638 CSA 필리핀 2학기 어학연수 에세이2  김은혜 17-11-03 215
637 CSA 필리핀 2학기 어학연수 에세이2  이세진 17-11-03 212
636 CSA 필리핀 2학기 어학연수 에세이2  정혜민 17-11-03 212
635 CSA 필리핀 2학기 어학연수 에세이2  김상경 17-11-03 204
634 CSA 필리핀 2학기 어학연수 에세이2  유진욱 17-11-03 198
633 CSA 필리핀 2학기 어학연수 에세이2  박수민 17-11-03 253
632 CSA 필리핀 2학기 어학연수 에세이2  김정환 17-11-03 198
631 CSA 필리핀 2학기 어학연수 에세이2  장현아 17-11-03 191
630 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 2학기 에세이  김상경 17-10-24 213
629 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 2학기 에세이  김은혜 17-10-24 208
628 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 2학기 에세이  박수민 17-10-24 191
627 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 2학기 에세이  정혜민 17-10-24 170
626 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 2학기 에세이  김정환 17-10-24 163
625 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 2학기 에세이  전민준 17-10-24 169
CSA 필리핀 어학연수 2학기 에세이  장현아 17-10-23 211
623 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 2학기 에세이  이세진 17-10-23 189
622 CSA 필리핀 어학연수 2학기 에세이  유진욱 17-10-23 187