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It is time to Seize the World!


CSA 필리핀 어학연수 1학기 에세이 1 (May is achieving)

등록일 : 2019-05-15 조회수 : 198 작성자 : 송주은
파일첨부 : FileAttach KakaoTalk_20190515_010027833.jpg ( 4 MB / Download: 253)
2019.05 Essay

May is in the process of achieving,
On May 15, 2019, it is filling up three months in Bacolod, the Philippines.
Having passed the time to adjust to the daily routine of strangers in a foreign country and tried new experiences with them, 83 days in the Philippines' Bacolod seem to have been filled almost completely.

Now that we've been doing what we've predicted since April, let's talk about how focused we are on May.
The final Quiz in the four Man to Man classes has been pretty satisfactory for two days and is set to take the Final test.
I've finished the last two months of my refreshing time at Eclipse Gym, a fitness center near LSLC, where I've paid as much as 24,000 won a month for a steady two-month stay.
From the 11th to the 12th, I went to Ilo ilo Island, Guimaras Island on the bacolod with people from the same school and other school. The next day, we rented a car and a driver to tour Ilo Milo after going sightseeing on the first day of the mango festival on the island of Guimaras island the source of mango, and dancing, drinking and having fun together at the our Airbnb.

It is May, when I came here alone after two rounds of application after seeing the announcement on the website of Youngsan University for the local semester, I met people from Daegu University and Shilla University, and joined hands with countless Filipinos and Japanese, Vietnamese and Taiwanese to really feel precious to me.
Ten days on the really short-lived Bacolod would be more attentive to the places I've spent my time in, the places I've normally met, than to take a little time off and try to see one more person apart.
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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
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