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It is time to Seize the World!


GC Zone Yangsan Fall 2023-2 1st week

등록일 : 2023-09-08 조회수 : 73 작성자 : 관리자AuliaDjunaedi,Ph.D
파일첨부 : FileAttach fall_4.jpg ( 4 MB / Download: 113)

GC Zone Yangsan first week of this 2023 Fall Semester.

We only open from Monday to Wednesday.

Yes, only 3 days but we make the most of it.


And I, Aulia Djunaedi, the person in charged for GC Zone Yangsan like to ride a bike, swim, cycle, walk yaround the city. JOIN me, my social group, my dog (sometimes my old little dog comes to the events)
