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It is time to Seize the World!


Visit to the BTHS

등록일 : 2024-01-04 조회수 : 65 작성자 : Prof.Arlene
파일첨부 : FileAttach KakaoTalk_20240104_095223006[1].jpg ( 134 KB / Download: 65)

The GC-Zone Teachers was chefs for two days at Busan Tourism High School.

Introducing in English the Filipino Cuisine Pork adobo Tokwat Baboy Teacher Blessy I are enjoying teaching explain the Filipino food to the high school students. also Inviting them to come to YSU. in there University life.


The Philippines, one of the most famous dishes is Adobo which can be done in  a variety of ingredients. it could be fish, pork, beef chicken. Since Philippines is made of three large islands name Luzon, Visayas Mindanao, it can be that there will be different culture ways of making adobo recipe. since each large Island is also composed of many small island which is counted

 into thousands, than it could be the adobo recipe can still be done a thousand different ways. Actually adobo is a Spanish terms which means to marinate to combine the ingredients lift for preservation. The actual historically adobo came from Caribbean Spain where one of the places

which is abundant in herbs spice.


The Tokwat Baboy is a dish composed of boiled pork fried tofu. the sauce made of vinegar soy sauce gives life to dish. Generally, this dish is considered as an appetizer a side dish. Most Filipino like to have it as Polutan the side dish if you like to drink liquor in the Philippines. 

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