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세계로 뻗어 나가는 글로벌 리더의 첫걸음

It is time to Seize the World!


필리핀 현학기

등록일 : 2012-10-05 조회수 : 357 작성자 : 이정용
파일첨부 : FileAttach 사진.jpg ( 2 MB / Download: 226)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>Hello, I Youngsan University, 09 grade-ASEAN Business Department, Jung - Yong
Philippines came to was already more than two weeks
Except low seolgo scary at first, sure, but now I have to adapt the
Life here, from Monday to Friday, to live and study English.
Academy on weekends so that I could hang out with your friends, shopping and fun to spend.
Well here in the Philippines. Teachers, haejusigo fun to learn English and study life is not boring.
Once abroad because grunge miss Korean food.
Although's just I've come to study English in a foreign country to study hard for the remaining three months when I went back to Korea hayeoseo learned you something
I'd like to feel that.
At this point, the English itself is a scary and foreigners only look away.
But to come to study English in the Philippines for English as confidence has're stuck.
Shower Haro now I want to get this.
수정  삭제  목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
281 필리핀 학기제 2번째  윤혜림 12-11-09 274
280 필리핀 학기제 2번째  박형준 12-11-09 561
279 필리핀 현지 학기제  한시아 12-11-08 620
278 필리핀 학기제  최지연 12-11-08 557
277 필리핀학기제  서희령 12-10-14 308
276 필리핀 학기제  신수홍 12-10-12 291
275 필리핀 현지학기제  박신영 12-10-11 330
274 필리핀 현지학기제!!  박수호 12-10-10 624
273 필리핀 현지학기제  김다희 12-10-10 347
272 필리핀 학기제 essay  김유진 12-10-09 297
271 필리핀 학기제  김민지 12-10-08 305
270 필리핀현지학기제  장미희 12-10-05 307
269 필리핀현지학기제  조정희 12-10-05 596
268 필리핀현지학기제  김재민 12-10-05 274
267 필리핀 현지 학기제  배민지 12-10-05 320
266 필리핀 학기제  권서진 12-10-05 340
필리핀 현학기  이정용 12-10-05 358
264 필리핀 현지 학기제  안수호 12-10-05 330
263 필리핀 현학기  이익규(l.. 12-10-05 394
262 필리핀 학기제 essay  김광민 12-10-05 316