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세계로 뻗어 나가는 글로벌 리더의 첫걸음

It is time to Seize the World!


에쎄이 두번째

등록일 : 2012-11-12 조회수 : 390 작성자 : 신수홍
파일첨부 : FileAttach 2012-10-27_10-58-17_357.jpg ( 1 MB / Download: 240)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>My family consists of 4 person. I have parents and younger brother. My father engages in Hyundai car company. My mother engages herself in housework. Younger brother is 19 years old. He is student. We live in perfect harmony. Also there is perfect conjugal harmony between parents. My father sometimes plays pranks and he has tender-hearted. My mother is a good hand at cookery and she is always concerned about me and my brother. My brother entertains me. He is obedient to my parents and me. So I love unconditionally them for no particular reason. When I come back korea, I hope to do something. First I hope to hug my parents and younger brother. That time, I will say "I pine for home and I miss you". And I'm going to spend the weekend trip with my family so we will have sightseeing somewhere. Also I want to go to my grandparents' house. They might miss me and waited for me. Before everything, I miss my mother's sweet cooking and I want to talk about philippines' 3 months at the same time. I will ask to wonder how do they spend time without me. Also I behave like a spoiled child. I won't hesitate to say "I love yours".
수정  삭제  목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
321 필리핀 학기제 3번째..  김유진 12-11-25 567
320 에세이 3번째  이혜원 12-11-24 306
319 필리핀 현지 학기제 에세이  김지연 12-11-23 340
318 필리핀 현지학기제 에세이  김해인 12-11-23 342
317 3번째에세이  김다희 12-11-23 316
316 세번째  김효진 12-11-23 296
315 필리핀 학기제 3번째...  박형준 12-11-23 315
314 학기제이야기 두번째  서희령 12-11-17 311
313 필리핀 에세이2  김유진 12-11-13 325
312 필리핀 에세이2  김나예 12-11-13 348
311 필리핀 에세이2  장미희 12-11-12 365
310 필리핀 에세이2  박신영 12-11-12 581
309 에세이 두번째  김재민(1.. 12-11-12 330
308 에쎄이 2번째  조정희 12-11-12 308
에쎄이 두번째  신수홍 12-11-12 391
306 필리핀 에쎄이 2  김수경 12-11-12 382
305 필리핀 에세이2  이유진 12-11-12 594
304 필리핀에세이2  박수호 12-11-11 564
303 필리핀 현지학기제 두번째  조민혜 12-11-11 342
302 필리핀 학기제 과제 2  김민지(1.. 12-11-11 564