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It is time to Seize the World!


필리핀 학기제 3번째...

등록일 : 2012-11-23 조회수 : 315 작성자 : 박형준
파일첨부 : FileAttach 1352983113315.jpg ( 190 KB / Download: 272)
My English Improvement.
English Program here in the Philippines is almost finish. I've met many teachers who have helped me with the improvement of my English skill. English ability is within me, I just have to harness it. With the extended help of my English teachers, I can say that I have improved my English skill. Though there were times, I feel lost with my English. My teachers provided me with knowledge to help me use my English skill in a better way.
When I arrived in the Philippines almost 3 months ago, I have difficulty understanding English, and I don't have confidence to speak with foreigners due to my lack of experience Using my English skill, especially, my gammer usage. As the days, weeks, months, past by now I am able to speak with foreigners using English Language, constructing syntactically correct English sentences.
There were times, I feel my English was getting worst, but the teachers provided me with encouragement, lessons, tips, on how to improve my English, the best thing of all is that they taught me how to overcome my feels using English, and they taught me how to get the confidence that I need in the English speaking world.
I really had fun here in the philippines. The experience that I made here is unforgettable. I also appreciate a lot the teachers who provided me with a lot of knowledge that I need to know regarding English, their time, encouraging me to use my English skill well. Thanks to the praises they gave me when I get it correct it helped me agin confidence from doing things right with English.
수정  삭제  목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
321 필리핀 학기제 3번째..  김유진 12-11-25 567
320 에세이 3번째  이혜원 12-11-24 306
319 필리핀 현지 학기제 에세이  김지연 12-11-23 341
318 필리핀 현지학기제 에세이  김해인 12-11-23 342
317 3번째에세이  김다희 12-11-23 316
316 세번째  김효진 12-11-23 296
필리핀 학기제 3번째...  박형준 12-11-23 316
314 학기제이야기 두번째  서희령 12-11-17 311
313 필리핀 에세이2  김유진 12-11-13 325
312 필리핀 에세이2  김나예 12-11-13 348
311 필리핀 에세이2  장미희 12-11-12 365
310 필리핀 에세이2  박신영 12-11-12 581
309 에세이 두번째  김재민(1.. 12-11-12 330
308 에쎄이 2번째  조정희 12-11-12 308
307 에쎄이 두번째  신수홍 12-11-12 391
306 필리핀 에쎄이 2  김수경 12-11-12 382
305 필리핀 에세이2  이유진 12-11-12 594
304 필리핀에세이2  박수호 12-11-11 564
303 필리핀 현지학기제 두번째  조민혜 12-11-11 342
302 필리핀 학기제 과제 2  김민지(1.. 12-11-11 564