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It is time to Seize the World!


학기제 두번째 에세이

등록일 : 2013-05-17 조회수 : 591 작성자 : 김소민(DANA)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>Q . If you can be anybody who would it be?

sometimes i think that if i can be a teacher. I hoped to became a teacher.
When i was teenager, i longed for them as well as had an attachment.
So, i painted out teacher who did wrong action. For example, use force, teaching education wrong way. Also, there are many accident about school problem. Student attack and juvenile deliquency and so on.....
I feel more pity on education way rather than on teacher further, i thought i want to change korean school problem from minor problems to tremendous problems. Specially, i want to console teenagers who are offended by their teachers, schools, parents and education.
If my minor effort can change them. I will feel achievement. Although i'm studying conversation major. I always dream of this situation. And just imagining makes me happy.
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