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It is time to Seize the World!


필리핀 현지 학기제 에세이3

등록일 : 2013-05-22 조회수 : 348 작성자 : 김선아
파일첨부 : FileAttach 1367742489506.jpg ( 250 KB / Download: 225)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>My Safe Haven

I came to Subic in Pillipine. Because I should study English. So I can't meet my family. Every day I think of my family's situation. In good time my essay class homework is the subject is "What the day will be like when I see my family again." Then I'll write now.

I will go back on Jun 7th. So I want to see my family on this day. Because I it's my first time to be separated from my family. Needless to say just for 3 months. But I feel very long time. So I'm strained. If I meet my family. I'll just meet them with smiling face or I'll take to them with tears. But maybe or just imagine. By the way I think I want to meet my family I'll just smile, a broad smile good way by any stretch of the imagination. Because during my study here I always feel sick. So I don't want they have a troubled countenance. For that reason these day, I'll go back so meet my family I take out both hands are fall gift fot them. I hope I see their happy face.

That is why if I see my family again my expression is a tearful smile. So, now, I'll try to study English very hard. And I want to get good grades in my studies. I can do it! And I look foeward to meeting my family with impatience.
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
401 essay3  김기림 13-05-25 267
400 에세이 2  임용택 13-05-24 544
399 ESSAY - 3  허소진 13-05-24 344
398 ESSAY - 2  허소진 13-05-24 358
397 필리핀 현지 학기제 에세이 3  차우림 13-05-23 554
396 ESSAY - 3  권민호 13-05-22 302
395 필리핀 현지학기제 13 -3  허대현 13-05-22 363
필리핀 현지 학기제 에세이3  김선아 13-05-22 349
393 학기제 두번째 에세이  김소민(D.. 13-05-17 591
392 2013-1 필리핀 현지학기제 에세이2  양정우 13-05-17 601
391 2013-1 필리핀 현지학기제 과제2  서성호 13-05-17 366
390 2013-1 ESSAY 3  조현정 13-05-15 364
389 에세이 2  박귀종 13-05-14 546
388 에세이 2  최윤수 13-05-14 287
387 필리핀 현지 학기제 에세이 2  차우림 13-05-14 624
386 Essay 2  이호중 13-05-14 561
385 2013-1 현지학기제 에세이3  김연희 13-05-14 288
384 필리핀 현지학기제 에세이3  전석기 13-05-14 324
383 필리핀 현지학기제 에세이2  전석기 13-05-14 603
382 2013-1 현지학기제 에세이2  김연희 13-05-14 583