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It is time to Seize the World!


USLS 2학기 어학연수 에세이 3

등록일 : 2015-11-20 조회수 : 528 작성자 : 박정현
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>Do guys gossip more than girsl? How about your opinion?
Have you gossiped to someone?Do you enjoy the gossip?who do you think gossip more? is it guys or girls? Today my topic is do guys gossip more than girls? In a survey, 60 percent of the women gossip than men. By comparison, when men talk a lot, they feel tired and based on the survey only 23% of men gossip. And as for this study, I agree that girls gossip more than guys. Here are some reasons to support my opinion.

First, girls are talkative. Children who are in pre-school and elementary levels mostly think about studying and playing only. But as they grow up, they change physically and mentally. For example, when you visit a middle school and high school, you can see many guy students playing in the ground. But most girls don't like physical activities than guys. So they stay in their classroom, get together and enjoy gossiping.

Second, girls are more emotional than guys. Actually a part of emotion is 70% in the brain, but the guys are less than that. So girls are easily get hurt than guys.
Also most girls are sensitive and they have envy. For example in my case, when someone passes in front of me who is wearing the same clothes with me, I feel bad and I'm feeling like I wanna take off my clothes at the moment and change it. And after that I gossip to my friends about this situation eventhough I don't know her. On the other hand, guys don't care about this situation. Like this, the reason why girls gossip, it is because they want to vent their anger and make fun of the situation.

In conclusion, I think that girls gossip more than guys for the following reasons given. remember this, Walls have ears, and Fields have eyes. So be careful when u gossip to someone..
Thank you for listening. This is Jasmine from Youngsan University.
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