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It is time to Seize the World!


13 - 2 essay

등록일 : 2013-05-10 조회수 : 541 작성자 : 권민호
파일첨부 : FileAttach P1030285.JPG ( 788 KB / Download: 247)
Why does the Leanimg Tower of Pisa in Italy? It leans because of a mistake.
It has leaned almost since the day the tower was built.

In 1173, the people of Pisa, Italy, wanted th build a bell tower. They wanted the tower to be the most beautiful bell tower in all of Italy. The city also needed a bell tower because the church did not have one.

However, there was a problem. As soon as the first floor of the building was finished. the
tower started to lean. Builders tried to make the building straight again as they added more floors, but they couldn`t figure out how to make it stop leaning.

It took almost 180 years to finish the tower. Since them, the tower has leaned by adother millimeter every year. Today, the Leaning Tower has eight floors and is 54.5 meters tall.
By1990, it was leaning by about 4 meters to one side. It was also slowly sinking into the ground. Many people became worried that it would soon fall apart.

In 1998, repair works began on the tower, and by the end of 2001, it had been moved back by 45 centimeters. The tower will still lean, however, so it will need to be repaired again in another 200 years.
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