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It is time to Seize the World!


필리핀 현지학기제 13- 2

등록일 : 2013-05-10 조회수 : 315 작성자 : 허대현
파일첨부 : FileAttach P1030790.JPG ( 1 MB / Download: 248)
February 14 is a day for people who have fallen in love.
On this day, these men and women give gifts and cards to each other to celebrate Valentine`s Day.

At first, February 14 was the old Roman festival, Lupercalia. Then, on February 14, 270 A.D ., a man named Valentine was killed by the Romans because of his Christian beliefs.

Before Valentine was killed, he fell in love with the daughter of his jailer and would pass notes to her. His final note read, "From your Valentine." Later, February 14 became known as Saint Valentine`a Day.

Since then, people in love around the world have given gifts and cards to each other on Saint Valentine`s Day. Gloves, chocolates, and even underwear have all been popular as gifts.

Valentine cards did not become popular until the 1750s. The first Valentine cards were made ny hand. people wrote their own words on the cards, usually a kind of funny message.
Cards made by machines became more popular around 1850.

Now, every year around February 14, cards and chocolates fill stores around the world, for all the people who have fallen in love.
수정  삭제  목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
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필리핀 현지학기제 13- 2  허대현 13-05-10 316
378 13 - 2 essay  권민호 13-05-10 542
377 13-1 필리핀 SA-2  최기욱 13-05-09 288
376 에세이 3  김용운 13-05-09 278
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