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It is time to Seize the World!


USLS 2학기 어학연수 에세이 3

등록일 : 2014-12-08 조회수 : 451 작성자 : 조민경
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>should everyonehave the right to wear whatever they want? In my opinion, yes! of course! why not!
These day fashion is one of the most popular part in our society. People wear unique styles or formal styles or mix and match to express who they are. It really depends on the type of personality a person has. You can see people wearing different styles of clothes. So, why do i think that people have the right to wear whatever they wish?
well first, It is a way for peopole to express themselves. Self expression is important in forming your identity. Which is important in forming self-esteem. When you are comfortable and happy with what you are wearing, you become confident about yourself. "Lady Gaga" wears whatever she wants eventhough people say bad things about her she doesn't care. Because she is happy and she loves the way she is. Don't you wanna be like that too?
Second, we live in free country we have the right to wear whatever we want. There is no one who can prevent your self expression. People can judge you but that doesn't mean you have no right to wear whatever you want. But of course, you have to keep in mind that, you can't wear human skin or flags or go nude. Those are against the law.
So should everyone have the right to wear whatever he or she wants? Honestly, This question is very easy to answer. As I have said before, YES! Everyone has the right to wear whatever he or she wants. Because we live in free country and we can express ourselves better. The world is full of conformity. The only way you can express yourself is by doing things you can do freely. So Go Ahead! And wear whatever you want!
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