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세계로 뻗어 나가는 글로벌 리더의 첫걸음

It is time to Seize the World!


USLS 2학기 어학연수 에세이 1

등록일 : 2015-09-27 조회수 : 307 작성자 : 임지우
파일첨부 : FileAttach KakaoTalk_20150902_014459100.jpg ( 21 KB / Download: 223)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>Good afternoon! My name is Jane. Now, I am in the Philippines.
Before I come to Philippines, I had a bad prejudice against to Philippines. Unsafe security, hot weather, poor etc.. But now, my thoughts are completely changed due to the good things in the Philippines.
first, Filipino people are very friendly. When I'm walking down the street, they are always the first to greet with a smile.
second, The price is cheap. For example, If I had decent meal in a Korea, the price is 10000 won, but the Philippines can eat for the price of 200 pesos that is, 5000 won. So I can try more food and cultural experiences.
Finally, They know the relaxation. They are satisfied with their lives, unlike Koreans, Also not be pressed for time.
These things were fresh shocks, And it was give me a lot of change.
During I stay here, I will learn a lot of knowledge and culture.
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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
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