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Studying in the Philippines(Topic2)

등록일 : 2011-12-02 조회수 : 434 작성자 : 조진성(Kevin)
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                     " Studying In The Philippines "

                                            학 과 : 법률학과
                                            학 번 : 10060556
                                            이 름 : 조진성

    English is considered to be the second language of the Philippines. As such, almost every Filipino can speak and understand this language. With this in mind, Philippines is the perfect place to study English.

    I have been studying English since I was in elementary but nothing can compare to the experience that I had in the Philippines. Our school has tied up with The Thomasite Center for International Studies in Subic and I am one of the lucky students to be included to study there. At first, I was very nervous because I had never been there before but I thought that it would be a great chance for me to improve my English skills. My parents also encourage me to pursue this career for my future.

    When I first came here I have difficulty speaking in English. To be perfectly honest, I am not fluent in speaking the language. I am really grateful that I have decided to study English in the Philippines and chose TEC. My teachers are really more than willing to lend a hand. They have taught me all that I need about the English language.TEC has offered good quality of education

    English is the international language and it is extremely important. I believe this can help me to achieve my dreams and to have a brighter future. Studying the language is not an easy process but because of the competent teachers here I know I can do it. Along the way, I have met many friends and every weekend we conduct a group study to help one another. I never thought that learning English can be so much fun.

    People say that English is a very interesting language, when I was in Korea I never thought about studying the language seriously, why? Because I thought that studying other language is not important because I only live in Korea, we only speak Korean language so that is why. But then again, after the experience in the Philippines I was able to realize that English is important language, which can be use in many things, like travelling, talking to foreigners, and of course dealing with different stuffs.

    I remembered my teacher telling us a story about a Korean guy who couldn’t speak English very well, I felt very embarrassed and I pitied the student. The story was about the teacher asking his student to tell something about his family, and the only answer that the student said was all about the phrase “My Family” and I couldn’t help but laugh, yes indeed it was a very embarrassing answer but then again it was disappointing. I even thought about myself in that situation, what will I answer if they asked me the same question? After hearing that story, I realized that English is very important, and I decided to study very hard, so it won’t be very embarrassing for me if that situation happens. In Korea, for us to get a good job or to get hired in a good company we have to speak English fluently. And now that I’m here in the Philippines, I will make the most out of it, a good advantage for me because I’m in a foreign country, where I can speak and talk to foreigners.

    I want to acknowledge all my teachers for helping me improved my English skills. For giving me the chance to express myself in the most easiest way. They are the one who helped me boost my confidence in speaking the language and they are very patient every time I talk to them in a very strange way. Someday when I graduated from university and become a lawyer, this experience would help become successful and will make me earn a lot of money. I will never forget this experience and will treasure it forever.
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