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세계로 뻗어 나가는 글로벌 리더의 첫걸음

It is time to Seize the World!


필리핀연수과제 1

등록일 : 2011-12-05 조회수 : 377 작성자 : 조은
파일첨부 : FileAttach P6272190.jpg ( 210 KB / Download: 275)
Grande Island

Philippines has a lot of good place. Speciality in subic. One of the place I have been to is in Grande Island, because I wonder how does a Philippines island looks like. and I like beach.
Grande Island is a beautiful place. It has good beach, good ambiance. The beach is very clear where you see beautiful fish and white sand. At grande island beach you can see fresh sky, which is not polluted, it is very good, even trees like palm trees, I think Grande Island is a good place to be good sightseeing, good environment, and wonderful view. It can be compare to Boracay Island which is considered as the best Island beach in the Philippines with their foods, it is totally delicious, Filipino dish that even foreign people can eat. Employees of grande Island was also kind. To think i am Korean, a stranger in there country, but then again they trcated us very nice, hopitable, and they always smile. I can recommend my friends to go to Grande Island, I think it is a place where they can relax, feel good and be happy in every little way. Grande Island also is a perfect place for couples, where they can think about happiness and everything, I think Philippines is one of the best country that people or tourist will like, there are lots of things you can do on the Philippines. Good beaches Islandss, delicious foods, kind people and wonderful friends.
I will never forget my experience here in the philippines. An experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life.
수정  삭제  목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
221 필리핀 현기 학기제 과제 1  공민기 11-12-05 426
220 필리핀연수과제2  조은 11-12-05 634
필리핀연수과제 1  조은 11-12-05 378
218 필리핀과제2 (에세이2)  이정주(B.. 11-12-05 349
217 필리핀과제1 (에세이1)  이정주(B.. 11-12-05 332
216 In My 3Months Philippines and Teacher  정창민(R.. 11-12-05 424
215 Amazing Grande Island In the Philippi  정창민(R.. 11-12-05 439
214 필리핀과제2  이성호(P.. 11-12-05 315
213 필리핀과제1  이성호(P.. 11-12-05 329
212 필리핀과제2  안나경 11-12-03 617
211 필리핀과제1  안나경 11-12-03 342
210 필리핀 과제물2  안동준 11-12-03 367
209 필리핀과제 2  송지은 11-12-02 310
208 필리핀 학기제 과제2  권순호 11-12-02 663
207 필리핀과제 1  송지은 11-12-02 354
206 필리핀과제 2  안수인 11-12-02 385
205 필리핀과제 1  안수인 11-12-02 619
204 필리핀과제2  윤한슬 11-12-02 417
203 2학기 필리핀 학기제 과제  김주혁학국.. 11-12-02 392
202 Studying in the Philippines(Topic2)  조진성(K.. 11-12-02 435