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세계로 뻗어 나가는 글로벌 리더의 첫걸음

It is time to Seize the World!


필리핀과제 1

등록일 : 2011-12-02 조회수 : 353 작성자 : 송지은
파일첨부 : FileAttach SAM_2038.JPG ( 2 MB / Download: 278)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>I came here in September, but now, it's already December. For 3 months, i learned many things.
In our dormitory, i realized how to live together with other people away from my parents.
The most important thing is, i learned English.
i used to be so afraid to speak english. The first time i came here, i couldnt say anything.
But little by little, i noticed my improvement.
The first time i mingled with foreigners, like Filipinos, i was scared because
we have different cultures and i couldnt express myself well because my english skill
wasnt good.
As time passed by, i started to gain confidence and i tried to talk to other people
without using Korean as my language.

Philippines is really different from Korea. The weather here is hot all year round but we also experienced
few typhoons in here. I was so surprised with their forms of transportation.
It was the first time i saw some jeepneys and tricyles.
Filipinos are warm people and friendly. My teachers are also friendly.
They made a good impression to me. Being friendly to foreigners was a big help to improve my english ability.
I also built a good relationship to my fellow students.
i learned to live alone independently.
My stay in there seemed like a new life for me because i experienced many other things.
I admit that my english ability before going there was really so poor. But now, i think, i can be able
express myself through english.
I am satisfied going to the Philippines.
수정  삭제  목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
221 필리핀 현기 학기제 과제 1  공민기 11-12-05 426
220 필리핀연수과제2  조은 11-12-05 633
219 필리핀연수과제 1  조은 11-12-05 377
218 필리핀과제2 (에세이2)  이정주(B.. 11-12-05 349
217 필리핀과제1 (에세이1)  이정주(B.. 11-12-05 331
216 In My 3Months Philippines and Teacher  정창민(R.. 11-12-05 423
215 Amazing Grande Island In the Philippi  정창민(R.. 11-12-05 439
214 필리핀과제2  이성호(P.. 11-12-05 314
213 필리핀과제1  이성호(P.. 11-12-05 329
212 필리핀과제2  안나경 11-12-03 617
211 필리핀과제1  안나경 11-12-03 341
210 필리핀 과제물2  안동준 11-12-03 367
209 필리핀과제 2  송지은 11-12-02 310
208 필리핀 학기제 과제2  권순호 11-12-02 663
필리핀과제 1  송지은 11-12-02 354
206 필리핀과제 2  안수인 11-12-02 383
205 필리핀과제 1  안수인 11-12-02 618
204 필리핀과제2  윤한슬 11-12-02 417
203 2학기 필리핀 학기제 과제  김주혁학국.. 11-12-02 391
202 Studying in the Philippines(Topic2)  조진성(K.. 11-12-02 434