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세계로 뻗어 나가는 글로벌 리더의 첫걸음

It is time to Seize the World!


In My 3Months Philippines and Teacher (필리핀 에세이2)

등록일 : 2011-12-05 조회수 : 423 작성자 : 정창민(Ronaldo)
파일첨부 : FileAttach YounIto[0].jpg ( 89 KB / Download: 255)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div> In my 3 months in the Phillipines. I always Thought that Phillipines is a Great place in world. And In TEC, all teachers are kind to students. At first in the Phillipines, I was very disappointed. Because of the Weather it was very hot ! and high humidity. Also Manila to Subic was Very far!. and our hotel was not good for us. Maybe All students Thought same things. At first It was difficult for me to adapt food in Cafeteria. But Now I can eat anything.

This Essay I introduce my special teacher.
If I were to describe one of my teachers I have had throughout these years, the first one who comes into my mind is my present Florence. The reasons why I would like to characterize my English teacher are various. First of all, I can say that I appreciate her skills in English and that I consider her a very prepared teacher. I like the way she pronounces, I like the way she explains everything to and because of this ability she can make understand things.
Moreover, not that she is a good explainer but she also gives her best in order to help students improve their knowledge in English. She likes to correct us each time we make mistakes both in pronunciation and grammar. From here we can notice a nice feature of hers: the capacity of being patient with each student and try not to scream when somebody doesn't understand something.

Another thing I like at her is the fact that she considers me a good student even if, for example, I don't consider myself such a good one. Maybe this is a trick of hers to help students feel confident in their effort of better learning a foreign language.

On the other hand, I like her classes because I never get bored as during others. And it's a pleasure speaking during the English course about matters of every day life. This course is as a way of entertainment because it is totally different from the other subjects we have.

However, even if our teacher behaves as this we us there are some things she doesn't like: unkindness or to be noisy during the course. If I do this she can give me difficult tasks to do at home. Therefore, I should respect her because she considers the relationship between a teacher and her students should be very open for a better understanding of her subject. That's why she appreciates to make jokes and to listen to me and other students jokes but not bad ones, in order to feel us closer to her.

To conclude I can say that, her lectures are well organized, interesting and her methods of teaching demonstrate the desirable teaching methods for our use. Her lovely personality also contributes to the success of her teaching and lessons
and help us to have a good time during her course. Yet she is warm, loving and open but at the same time she can be firm and assertive but never aggressive or verbally abusive.
수정  삭제  목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
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220 필리핀연수과제2  조은 11-12-05 634
219 필리핀연수과제 1  조은 11-12-05 377
218 필리핀과제2 (에세이2)  이정주(B.. 11-12-05 349
217 필리핀과제1 (에세이1)  이정주(B.. 11-12-05 332
In My 3Months Philippines and Teacher  정창민(R.. 11-12-05 424
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