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It is time to Seize the World!


2학기 필리핀 학기제 과제 2

등록일 : 2011-12-02 조회수 : 340 작성자 : 한국식품조리학과김주혁
파일첨부 : FileAttach IMG_0819.JPG ( 167 KB / Download: 284)
<div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div>I can clearly remember the first time I came here. I was very nervous and worried because it was my first time to live in a foreign land. I was completely unaware of their culture and their personality. So, I did not know how to get along with them. One more thing, the first time I met my classmates ,I thought their level were very much ahead from me. So, I felt hesitant and I felt like I could not cope with their level. However, it did not make me give up. Instead, it motivated me to study very hard. In the long run, my endeavour was rewarded. I believe that after three months of studying, somehow I was able to improve. I gained confidence in using the language and my listening skill has improved.

I may say that TEC has helped me to achieve my goal. I know that, without the help of my teachers it would be hard for me to realize my goal so I am thankful to them. As for now, I am considering studying again as soon as I go back to Korea. And someday, I believe that I can be a good English speaker!
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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
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